The Philps Family

Sunday, 2 November 2008

The dreaded winter cold already

Midnight again on Sunday!!! Georgia is back at school in the morning I have a dreadful head cold having caught it from Ben who has progressed straight from getting better to being poorly again and Mark has just informed me that he has a sore throat!!

Lets hope Georgia doesn't come home from school with it or we will all drive each other barmy!!

Georgia was a good girl today whilst I was busy blowing my nose!! She crafted in her room on her own!! Found a book, followed the instructions and made a crown. I was very impressed at her patience.

Mark praised her tonight for her good behaviour and apparently she beamed from ear to ear.

Mark put up a new curtain rail at the fromt door. Yipeee we have a normal entrance at last!!

The car died completely on me last night at 7pm outside a pub just as we were leaving a halloween party. So I have officially dumped it and we will organise a tow truck tomorrow to take it to the scrap yard, that thing is just a money pit and a death trap!!

Thank goodness scrap metal is worth something and they will pay us for it this time!

Love to you all Ruth xxx

1 comment:

  1. Oh no, Hope you all feel better soon!

    I think Aimee is getting it too, no surprises there then, as she has a runny nose and has gone off to school with packets of tissues!!

    Luckily you are getting the other car on Thursday, karma or what!!!!

